Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Speed is relative

Just got back from a short road trip to M'sia. We went as far as Penang before turning back to Singapore. I did about half of the driving ;p Needless to say, driving on the NS highway was definitely something blog-worthy ;)

As some of you may know, I don't own a car and hence I don't drive often. Majority of my driving experience is limited to weekend driving ;p (esp for those of you who were lucky/ unlucky enough to be my passengers ;p) Furthest for these drives would be to the eastern and western ends of our little island ;p I don't break 90km/h on expresways in general. Don't worry, I do not roadhog. I don't even take the 1st lane on the expressways hehz. Meek as this may sound, but I've long decided that there's no point in causing myself undue grief for being caught for speeding, particular since I don't even drive that often ;p

As such, driving on the NS highway has always been pretty much an adventure to me. Speed limit on the highway is 110km/h. Frankly, driving on the NS highway at 110km/h feels rather normal even though I'm very used to only 90km/h i.e. when I'm stuck behind vehicles that are going at 90km/h, well, I'll just overtake ;p When I get overtaken by other vehicles, I'll try not to be competitive and catch up and overtake them in return ;p Sometimes, I do feel that I'm roadhogging even at 110km/h. Frankly, when the road is all clear in front of me, the temptation is always there to erm go beyond 110km/h. hehz. Over the course of the roadtrip, I got to play around with stuff like the overdrive (which I never use in Singapore). Longed for cruise control for the vehicle (something which I got to fiddle around with in the US and Australia ;p) and of cos, for a roadster. When driving at such high speeds, the importance of the vehicle's pick-up is greatly amplified ;p

Oh I should add that a lot of my friends were very concerned when they heard that I would be driving on the NS highway ;p Friends in my office were advising me to go easy on the speed and to be extremely careful while driving :) 2 friends that I met for dinner a week before my trip were advising me on the speeds (as well), the bernoulli effect of large vehicles passing me by and erm on how to recognise tsunami alerts :) Was really touched by all these concerns ;)

Back in Singapore. Was driving around in the West today. Did my normal 90km/h on the highway. Oddly enough, it didn't feel as slow as it did on the M'sian highways. ;p I guess speed is largely relative to some extent ;p

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Finally satisfied :)

Hehz. This is definitely very long overdue :) My blog posting for my marathon ;p Will attempt to write it in a different way ;) But I guess only the runners among you would be able to empathise with this more ;p

Preamble: This is my 2nd attempt at the 42.195km run :)

First attempt in 2005 was miserable and grueling as my knee gave way at the 12km mark. So it was horrible for the next 30km. Mostly walking. Though I completed the run, but I really didn't feel proud of the attempt at all. Declared that I won't be doing the marathon anymore.

Took a one year break. Did only 10km runs and half marathons.

Come 2007. I definitely signed up for the marathon again on an impulse. A moment of madness perhaps. Trained much lesser than before. It didn't help much that it kept raining on the days when I scheduled my long runs. It really didn't help much either that I had to burn 2 weekends in Europe in the middle of winter, 2 weeks prior to the run. So much for training hard for the run ;p

By the week of the marathon, my maximum distance covered was only 22.5km ;p which as most seasoned marathon runners should pittance...a well trained runner ought to have ran up to a maximum of 30+km in preparation for the marathon. Oh well....

Day before the run

To bolster my confidence, on the day before the run, I judiciously followed every single tip that I could find for the actual run:

a) realised that the power gel brochure in the race pack contained instructions on the number of packets of power gel that I should be consuming at specific points in time.

b) Worked out my game plan for the run based purely on my usual running speeds and giving allowances for myself to slow down every 5 km into the run after 21km ;p

Decided on the eve of the marathon that I will be happy if I can complete it in 5hr 30min. Feeding (power gel) time at all the stated distances. Yes. I ran carrying 5 packets of power gel. 3 packets strapped to my left arm. 2 packets in my back pocket. heh heh ;p Here's the game plan:

10km - 1hr 5min

15km - 1hr 40min

21km - 2hr 25min

26km* - 3hr 5 min

30km - 3hr40min

35km - 4hr 25min


*spared myself the weight of one more packet of powergel. cos there's a complimentary packet given out at the 26km mark ;p

Day of the run

Start - Clear skies. Felt rather relaxed. Quite happy to see that my biggest boss was doing the flag-off ;p Was unabashedly in the sub 5hr pen with my other friends who were faster runners. Didn't want to be honest and be all alone without friends in the sub 6 hr pen hehz ;p started off at a really leisurely pace. It's gonna be a really long run anyway. no hurry.

10km mark - did a time check. Shocked to see that I was 2 mins behind my scheduled timing. Realised that I've been taking it too easy. Decided to speed up. Feeding time. 1st packet of powergel. Lighter load on the arm ;p

15km mark - Probably overdid the speeding up by too much. Was 20 mins ahead of schedule. Eeks. wonder how long I can last at such erratic speeds. Time to slow down a little again. Need to sustain for another 20+km..Passed the 5hr 30min, 5hr and 4hr 45min pacers along the way. Decided that there was no need to be too happy. Knowing myself, I'm very sure that I will lose steam in time to come..and they will pass me eventually ;p Feeding time again. different flavoured power gel. hehz. Backpocket starting to feel heavy. Strapped the 2 packets to my left arm ;p

21km mark - was still 15 mins of my schedule. Realised that I just did a personal best in terms of a half marathon ;p Morale boosted! Felt v happy all over again ;p Posed for a picture for my friends who came to support. heh heh ;p Ok. another "reward". Powergel again. More cups of water to swig and to toss aside ;p Yes. I'm rather unladylike during runs, jostle for drinks, crush cups or toss half-empty cups to the side of the road. Having some fun at trying to aim and make sure that my cups land in the designated areas hehz ;p

26km - Still 15 min ahead of scheduled time. fatigue starting to set in. but still holding on. Kept running. Told myself that I shouldn't be stopping to walk! Perservere. powergel up in front! I can only stop to walk when I'm having the can imagine how happy I was to finally reach the powergel station....was quite contented that I managed to get a power gel flavour that I've never tasted before ;p (not that powergel is appetising to begin with ;p)

30km - Still 15 min ahead of scheduled time...couldn't quite take it anymore...starting to walk and run....walk in the shadier parts. run in the sunnier parts...bottomline is to keep moving....drinking and of cos...eating the powergel at appropriate times to regain my energy level. Spotted my supporter friends at the 33km mark ;) My morale was boosted all over again! Posed for pics again ;p hehz. Happy once more!

35km - 15 min margin remains...the sun did not matter anymore. Primarily walking. Ran when the road was downward sloping..just to gain on the time a little. 4hr 45 min, 5hr, 5hr 15min pacers passed me. Quite satisfied that my earlier prediction came true. 5hr 30min pacers catching on....starting to wonder if I should push myself a little more to finish the run before 5hr 30min......consumed last packet of powergel. No load left. Walking/ running free and light.

40km - 15 min ahead of scheduled time still. But still walking...couldn't quite push myself to run to aim for better was hot...told myself that I'll let myself walk all the way till the 41++km mark..before running till the end....

41++km - Reached the esplanade. Told myself that this is it! I gotta run.....cos I've got friends who are cheering me on at the esplanade bridge ;p I need to be seen running in ;p (That was where I was last year...cheering my full marathon friends on, after my own half marathon) Felt motivated all over again...and was actually able to start running :) V happy to see OL waiting for me there. She ran for a short stretch with me (she did the half-marathon ;p) and we had quite a good chitchat that cheered me up considerably ;p Onwards till the v end..!

42.195km - Managed to sprint to the finish line, per my usual fashion ;p Yes yes. I tend to get very sluggish in the 2nd half of most of my runs..but I'm usually able to muster up enough energy..the rush of adrenaline.. to do my sprint to the finish line...regardless of the total distance I ran ;p Perhaps it's a matter of pride ;) I've always felt that it's so much better to be seen running to the finish line than to stroll all the way there ;p Finished the run in 5hr 13min ;) Completely satisfied. Told myself that this is it. No more marathons. I'm going back to doing only the half marathon ;p I hope I can keep my word this time round ;)

Saturday, December 1, 2007


Yes. This must certainly be very long overdue. I've been back in town for 2 weeks. Been busy, tired and procrastinating to blog ;p But I'm back :)

Was in Zagreb Croatia for a week. Beautiful place. Felt very comfortable and safe there.

Thought I'll just share some of my Croatian musings with you guys. In point form :)

First thing that I learnt about Croatia - Colours of Croatia's flag. One of my friend (superman/batman/TLM - whichever is the flavour of the month;p)'s first reaction was to offer his knowledge of the Croatian national football team ;p

First TV program that I watched in Croatia - CNN program on SIA's inaugural flight to Sydney on the A380. Purely coincidental Heh hehz ;p Felt inordinately proud to be watching about our airline's achievement even though I was far away on the other side of the world in Eastern Europe ;p

First glimpse of Zagreb's touristy sites - Picture of the steeples of the cathedrals ;)First impression of Croats - Artistic easy-going people. As can be seen from the numerous statues that dot the streets and the architecture of the many refurbished old buildings, plus the numerous art galleries that you can find everywhere.

First unforgettable expriences in Zagreb - Snowflakes! My first time seeing snow :) Apparently, the temperature dipped below ice-point after midnight. In the day, it was generally a cool 5 to 7 degrees. There was only once, after dinner, when we were still strolling the streets at 1 degree celsius. Have attached a picture of the layers of clothes that I don before stepping out of the hotel ;p turtle neck, woollen vest, woollen sweater, winter coat, scarf. I started wearing gloves towards the last 2 days!

Funniest question that was posed to us in Zagreb by an artist who created jewellery from metal - "what are you doing here in Zagreb in the middle of winter?" ;p
Best view that I've ever had from an aircraft - this has gotta be the view of the alps and of London as we flew in from Zagreb :) Ok. I need to agree that flying in smaller aircrafts do have its merits :) Even though, I need to declare that the B777-ER is still my favourite aircraft to-date! Till I get to try the A380........;p

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Going green

It's been a rather eventful weekend. I thought I'll make full use of it before I spend my next two weekends in midair and crossing time zones ;p

Was on Pulau Ubin on sunday and paid a visit to Chek Jawa :) Yes. The photos in the collage above are all my handywork ;p Especially like the refurbished old tudor house which has since been transformed into the new visitor center for Chek Jawa. I can still remember how dilapidated and run-down it was, 2 years (?) ago when I was at Chek Jawa on christmas eve. The visitor center is now bright and airy. It's a very comfortable feeling to just sit there, to enjoy the scenery and the gentle breeze :)

Perhaps because I have always liked old buildings :) I always marvel at the blend/ integration of old architecture and new architecture in many cities around the world. We could certainly do with more of such integration in Singapore :)

Have always had a particular affinity to Pulau Ubin. Like it for the peace and quiet it offers. The largely untouched features of nature. Not that I do not like the vibrancy of city life. But a brief sojourn to tranquil Pulau Ubin once in a while is always refreshing:)

I've brought/ guided quite a number of groups to Pulau Ubin before. So if you ever feel like a short outing to Ubin, dial 1800-kestrel ;p Hehz.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

New Rules

Went for something really interesting today. No pictures to show yet ;p Will load them when I get them :)

Was the drummer (once again!) for my company's dragonboat team ;p

For the uninitiated, you must think that the drummer must be a really important person in the dragonboat team. Well, it's a "yes" and "no" answer :)

For teams who train with a drummer, more likely than not, yes. The drummer is important and will play an important role in determining the pace of the boat (if I get my facts right ;p).

For teams who do not train with a drummer, as in the case of my team, the drummer is there more for an ornamental purpose. Mainly because for competition purposes, a complete team consists of rowers, drummer and the coswain (i.e. the person who steers the boat) ;p

So, as my friends aptly put it, I qualify for the race cos I'm light i.e. less likely to upset the balance of the boat that they are used to and of cos, lighter additional load to carry;p

In any case, during last year's race, I recall I spent a fair amount of time clinging to the drum for dear life in the initial stages when I was trying hard to find my balance (if I drop off the boat, my team will be disqualified!), not really beating the drums at all subsequently (cos it felt rather pointless, no one is really listening ;p) and I was having more fun viewing the race from my vantage seat i.e. perched high on the boat behind the drum ;p

This year, there was a slight difference though. At the starting line, the announcer/umpire emphasised that "drummers have to drum their way from start to finish, if not, the team will be disqualified". No more free lunch for me. For the first time in my short "drumming history", I had to beat the drums in accordance with the pace of the boat (not that it really mattered ;p), but it felt "more like it". Must say it was a rather beautiful experience, as I felt the pace of the race so much more better from the perspective of a participant, rather than that of an observer as in the previous year ;p All in all, it was a more fulfilling experience this year :) Lesser number of bruises as compared to last year ;p *thumbs up*

Was ambling about in between races and cheering my teammates on ;) Spotted a certain company's dragonboating tee which I really liked. Won't mention names. But it's rather obvious. The design of the sleeveless tee is rather dressy. Pretty much in hard rock cafe t-shirt fashion. Back of the tee reads in pink wordings "Aircrew 2007 Dragonboat". Looks real cool ;)

Sunday, October 28, 2007

For my dear junior..

This posting is for my dear junior, who did a really sweet posting on his blog for me. I was absolutely touched reading it ;) (I won't be so obtuse as to give the link to his posting, but hint hint. It's one of the blogs that I read frequently. One of those blogs on the left hand column of my blog ;p)

Speaking of this junior of mine, I can still recall that very first night where I spent close to an hour on the phone, literally cajoling him to join my eca group. That was definitely an exception. But I'm glad I succeeded ;p For those of you who know me, I guess you would know that I don't beg/ "whine" for things in general ;p sounds like a toughie huhz ;p

Am glad that I've kept in touch with this junior of mine through the years. We maintained contact even for the 4 years when he was away in the US :) We have managed to keep the friendship going for the past 10 years. Really gotta thank him for being such a wonderful friend, for lending me a ear always and for being my trip adviser, for my 2 mega trips to the US ;p Here's to many more years of our friendship :)

My week of sin...

It's been an eventful week. I think I"ll call it my week of sin! Before your thoughts start running wild, pray, please do hear me out :)

On second thoughts, I could probably call this the week of cheesecake and mudpies. Within a short span of 6 days, I've had 3 slices of cheesecakes and 2 slices of mudpies. The week has been eventful and foodful (a kestrel-coined term) ;p

Mon - started my lessons in something new. Gotta say it's fun and interesting. But I don't really think it's easy ;p Interesting classmates as well ;)

Tue - Had that first slice of bakerzin cheesecake plus a teh tarik during an afternoon meeting. Thought that I would have time to go for a long run after that. But was caught up in another meeting. Didn't have time to run. Haiz. So much for the carbo loading. arrghz.

Wed - start of my own private celebrations. Had really yummy jap food at this place called Matsuo - sushi platter and tempura udon (per pax) for lunch. Went for an indian wedding in the night. Yum Yum. Loved the north & south indian food. Must say my indian friend has the same taste as me ;) the songs that they chose to play for the march-ins were mostly my favourite English songs ;p

Thurs - Boss bought us yummy cheesecake brownie. Loved it so much that I had two slices. Sinful but absolutely delicious! (I got the address of the shop. Let me know if you're interested ;p)

Fri - Had yummy pasta for lunch. Am quite impressed with the standard of TCC's pasta ;) Celebrations continued in the evening with my first beloved bunch of friends ;p Mouthwatering wood-fired thin crust Italian pizzas (this is what I call the real thing!). Followed by a session at a min2 ge1 chan1 ting1 ;p Was absolutely cool to have the singers singing the b'day song for me ;p

Sat - Went for tea at the V cafe. Had this yummy chocolatey stuff. Yepz. Chocolate always works for me. I'm an absolute chocophile ;p Nice chit chat session with an old friend who turned up as well :)

Sat (cont'd) - Went to shop at zara for my birthday present. Am absolutely thrilled with what I got ;) A dress! This was followed by dinner with another beloved bunch of friends. Followed by yummy desserts at Ben&Jerry's @ Dempsey ;p Once again, chocolatey stuff (esp for me) if you can see ;p

Would love to thank all my lovely friends for taking time out to celebrate my birthday with me :)

Would also like to thank my msn friend, for remembering my birthday and for offering to throw my favourite flowers at me on facebook ;p

Lastly, would like to wish my twin all the best for his exam. Tough luck that your exam is still so close to our birthday (thought that would have only been during our school days) ;p Gambatte!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The anatomy of the photocopier

Friday. I came to the sudden realisation that quite a number of us office workers must be good mechanics at trouble shooting the photocopier after a fair number of months/ years at work.

I'm sure all of us must have been stuck at least at one point of our working life stuck at the photocopier. The horrors grow especially when we are doing duplex copying (double-sided), sorting or simply using the feeder function of the photocopier. Spent close to an hour and a half dismantling and trouble-shooting the photocopier just to make duplicates of some documents that I was handling. Took a real amount of patience and discipline to not kick the machine, left it jammed or give up on photocopying totally ;p

Am totally familar with the 10 different doors (not to mention the other levers, rollers and other parts in the machine) by the end of Friday. Even had to poke my ruler into the machine to retrieve the different bits of paper that was jammed between the rollers. Arrghz. Was sorely tempted to do a short write-up on the anatomy of the photocopier. which I'm sure would bore all of you ;) But I'm glad that I managed to make duplicates of all the documents that I wanted. You can just imagine how triumphant I felt at the end of it all. Kestrel won the battle against the photocopier after 2 hours. woohoo ;)

Anyway, that was one of the highlights of Friday. End of a work week. Had nice nachos at a rather interesting cafe with live guitar music ;p

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Happily ever after....

Perhaps this is a really productive weekend. My second blog posting for the weekend ;p

To quote from one of my favourite songs..."somewhere inside me, there's a spark of inspiration"...

Feel like writing about weddings. Yes. Following the seventh lunar month, this is the period where weddings are in full swing again :)

Having been through i.e. helped out, at so many weddings by now and in a variety of capacities from jiemei, emcees to reception, I dare say that I more or less know quite a bit of how weddings are held. What goes into the preparations. What to look out for. What are the taboos. The possible sore points that might crop up etcetc ;p

Take for example, on the side of the bride. One of the most exciting part would be assembling the wedding entourage of sisters or "jie meis". Different brides have different "requirements". Some brides are strict. All jie meis have to be unmarried. All married friends will have to be part of the entourage waiting at the brides' home, but they can't follow the bride to the groom's place ;p Some brides are easy. Anyone can be a jie mei :)

Some brides want their jie meis to be in the same colour e.g. green, pink or white :) Some brides want their jie meis to turn up in multi-colours except white. Cos white is strictly for the bride ;p hehz ;p

For me, anything goes :) The bride is queen for the day ;p So I'll just take instructions and follow them to a T ;)

For the record, I've been a wedding emcee thrice, wedding receptionist twice and going to be a jiemei for a wedding the third time in a row ;) Despite the fact that this means that my wedding dinners are disrupted ;p I must say that these are all pleasant disruptions. I loved every one of those "helping out" experiences ;) Weddings are happy events. I'm glad and honoured to be able to chip in to "contribute" to the happy day :)

Sometimes, I really feel that, if I am not in my current career, I would love to be either a wedding planner, events organiser, travel planner, national park ranger or working in the hospitality industry e.g. hotels or airlines hehz ;p Hehz. For those of you who know me personally, I bet you can't tell that kestrel would have these secret aspirations, right? ;)

Anyway, I've also gotten round to collecting the wedding memorabilia that I've been getting at weddings. Posted a picture of some of the cuter stuff at the beginning of the posting ;)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Especially for you..

I would like to dedicate this particular blog posting especially to the 4 lovely people who had dinner and the yummy dessert (in picture above) with me on Friday :) Macha ice-cream, sweet potato and yam! For simplicity, shall simply term them as Ms CSFB, Ms Exxonmobil and Mr&Mrs PM ;p (if you folks prefer other nicks, please do let me know hehz)

Would also like to thank Ms Stardust and daniel for leaving such interesting comments on my blog ;) Hehz. As I've always said, it feels so good that my blog is read by u guys ;p

I thought I'll write a little about friendship today :)

I consider myself rather lucky in the area of friendship. I've had my fair share of hits and misses when it comes to friends. But generally, they are mostly hits. I've hardly had any misses. Perhaps one or two borderline miss cases which I'm still trying to figure out ;)

Glad to say that I've been able to "keep" most of my friends through these years. I really treasure their friendship very much! My "oldest" friends have been stuck with me for 20 years hehz ;p In proper facebook entourage lingo, my collection of friends have grown through the years :) Particularly in the last two years, I'm proud and thankful to say that there has been a sudden spurt in growth ;p You people out there who are reading this, I think you know that I'm talking about you ;p

My friends are a diverse bunch of people. Folks from different walks of life, very different interests, personalities, career paths. I'm fascinated and drawn by all these differences between us. Whilst, I do take comfort in the similarities that I share with some friends. In any case, no two individuals are exactly alike. I tend to see it as a form of chemistry or perhaps fate between two individuals, that transcends beyond character similarities or differences, that binds us together as friends :)


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Jack of all trades

I told myself that I ought to be less trigger-happy when it comes to blogging. Even promised myself that I would not be blogging today.

But oh well, something just inspired me on my way back home ;) So here I am again. Friends who know me well should know what kind of frame of mind I must have been in at work today. Hehz. kestrel shouldn't reveal more ;p

Realised out of the blue that being Singaporean means that many of us are multi-lingual to some extent ;p Take for example, I'm sure many of us can say "thank you" in more than one language. Did a short tally of the number of languages that I can thank people in. I counted 8 - English, Mandarin, Malay, French, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese.

Have taken formal language lessons in English, Mandarin, Malay and French. But I'm really quite lousy at Malay and French. Made me realise that I'm really a jack of all trades but master of none. Hehz.

To make the picture more complete, I think I ought to learn how to say thank you in Tamil. Yogz, if you know how to say thank you in Ceylonese, teach me! ;p Other languages on my radar includes german, flemish and some other eastern european languages. Hehz.

Realised in office today that my usual font size is rather trying on the eyes. So, have decided to change the font size that I blog in as well ;p Is this better? Let me know :) Adios.

Monday, October 8, 2007

The Oh So Familiar...

A very good friend, who went for jazz and martinis with me over the weekend, suggested that I update my blog on my first day of work. :) So here I am again.

First day of work. Had to wait for more than half a day, made a couple of calls to pester the IT folks, before I finally got my password to log into the system :( Teething pain. arghz. Made a couple of calls to "harass" my old friends while I was free as well ;p

That aside, looking at the oh so familiar portal, parts of which I helped to develop and do user acceptance testing about 3 years ago. To see the stuff that I lodged into the system 2 years pick up from where I left off. It's nostalgic but I do seek comfort in the stuff that I am so familiar with all over again. Yeah. I'm quite the sentimental person who seeks solace in memories. You'll be surprised at the number of smses, e-mails and other trivia that I've accumulated over the years ;p

Some of my friends suggested that I should have done my rounds and said Hi to all the people that I know from the 24th floor of the building down to the basement ;p They jest ;p

Despite the comfort, I think I'm raring to go :) The scoring board and the dartboard's up again after a 2 year break. Kestrel likes challenges and resolving complications ;p hehz. silly me does not always choose to take the easy way out of things. This has resulted in either much satisfaction or much pain ;p Yeah. sometimes. I learn things the hard way.

Ok. enough of all these emotional out-pouring. shall get back to blogging about the more normal trivia stuff soon ;)

2 good friends of mine have commented on my lastest profile picture in facebook. Gonna take their advice and change the picture now ;p

Sunday, October 7, 2007

New Posting. New Life.

Last day of leave. Mixed Feelings. Time to move on. To start work in my new posting. Time to rejoin the corporate rat race after a 2 year hiatus.

With a new posting, comes a new life :) Sad to leave the good memories behind. Good opportunity to let go of the unpleasant memories as well. Life's a balance of the good and the bad. Guess the bad memories shall serve as learning experiences in life :) Don't dwell. Move on.

Should write about something chirpy in typical kestrel style, rather than to sound moody and philosophical ;p

Have lotsa stuff that I want to share about my Korea trip. Shall share them bit by bit.

Hmmz. My Korea trip was done in a package tour style. Granted. Package tours are value for money. Comfortable. Relaxed. One definitely gets maximise coverage of all the touristy spots in a country. Coupled with juicy bits of information on the country from the social to the political aspects from the local guide. However, what I miss was the sense of initimacy that one gets with the country. Miss the days of just ambling about and exploring a country be it on foot, via public transport or in a car. Topo-ing my way around with a map or GPS for reference or simply by talking to the locals. Hmmz.

Came up with a couple of grand travel ideas during my Korea trip. For my next travels, shall aim to do one predominatly by rail and another that involves lots of sea travel. Am also eyeing a country that has the most number of UNESCO attractions (if I get my information correct). Shall aim to do this country from one end to the other ;p Guess where this is? :)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Still on leave

I'm currently clearing my carried forward leave from last year. So it's 1 week in Korea and 1 week bumming around in Singapore.

well, I wouldn't exactly say 1 week of bumming. Have been up to quite a bit of things actually. For starters, there's all the archiving and cleaning up of my office laptop which took me 2 nights to complete. I've gone for 3 straight days of yoga lessons, probably will keep it up for another 2 days or so. Queued for 1.5hours at Raffles City for donuts ;p Gone for facial and shopping.

Been contacting quite a number of old friends to catch up :) First batch of catching up on Tue. Sent out messages to 3 people whom I've known for at least 10 years on Wed. Managed to meet up one of them last night. First time in 5 years! ;p Going to meet another of the 3 today this evening. For the last one who did not reply, arrghz. no comments.

1 week of leave passes by fast! There's still quite a number of things which I wanted to do badly, but can't seem to find the time for it. I still have an unfinished book on hand and a magazine to complete!

Thought I'll share something really interesting about the old friend whom I met last night. This is a friend whom I've known for close to 20 years ;) We share the same birthday. We will always get in touch every year on our birthdays! That's probably the strongest reason why we have never really lost touch through the years. ;p Upon catching up last night, kind of realised that we both seem to share similar experiences in certain aspects of our individual lives despite the fact that we have both led very separate and different lives for the past 10 years. We seem to be in similar limbo situations now and we are both wondering if this is some form of "retribution" for some of the stuff that we have both done previously ;p

Wonder if you guys have friends who share the same birthday as you? ;p Any similar experiences with these friends? ;p

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I love mushrooms!

I'm back from Korea! Bursting with things to blog about. Thought I'll start off with something close to all our hearts. Food! :) Need to appologise a little for the messy layout of the pictures. Too lazy to change the html codes to put all these in table format, which would make a much better presentation. So do bear with it! :)
Pan-fried black pig on Jeju Island. Yum yum. Think those stir-fried korean meet that you get in foodcourts, on the hotplate :)
For those of you who have watched Da-Chang-Jin, this is the sulphur duck soup ;) Something delicious to have on a cold autumn night ;p

Grilled pork :)
You eat the grilled pork by wrapping it in a piece of lettuce with bean-paste and rice :)
A typical korean meal. Seawood soup at the four corners, complete with all your side dishes. Spot the beansprouts, ikan bilis and kimchi!
Bean paste soup. My all time favourite for Korean meals ;)
Raw Abalone on Jeju Island. Yepz. I ate that. with chilli sauce and freshly cut chilli. It costs us a total of 10,000 won (approx S$16). Hehz.

Bimbimbap ;) 'nuff said. Dunno this? Check out the korean food stalls at our foodcourt.

Shabu Shabu!! Mushroom hotpot with chicken. Mushrooms! My all-time favourite :) Eaten raw, grill, stir-fry, deep-fried, sauteed, in soup, etc. I love them all :)
Yellow fish hotpot :)
Seafood hotpot. :)

Hotpot with Inoki mushrooms (my favourite too!!) and pork :) plus vermicelli (another of my favourites )

Some typical korean side-dishes :)

Korean ginseng chicken soup :)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Time flies too fast

It's certainly been quite a number of days since my last posting. Been a rather busy, tiring, stressful and emotional period for me. Partings are never easy I guess.

To quote a phrase that was used by someone in my farewell card "Time flies too fast".

For those of you who are in constant contact with me, you may know that I've finished my 2 year stint at my current workplace. In the words of Princess M's mommy, kestrel will be going back to being the gatekeeper ;p The place where many people have said that they will fatten me up again, when they realised that I lost weight hehz.

Many thanks once again to my wonderful friends (yes. I've been told by Yogz that I should not be using cold words like "we worked together" ;p), who have continued to indulge me in my final food hunt in this final week :) *touched*

In a way, thank you for sending me off with a "big bang". Being observed and chased all across the ballroom of Novotel Clarke Quay for 6 times in a day, in front of a crowd of 300 people, including bosses, was definitely a rousing experience. I hope my CEP didn't drop though ;p Erm, if there ever were any pictures taken of the spectacle, do send them to me hehz ;p (For the uninitiated, CEP stands for Current Estimated Potential in civil service lingo. Yeah. it determines how far you will go in the public sector)

The subsequent hours spent at the pump room was swell too. I have this feeling that I must have been speaking in a louder volume and laughing even more loudly than the din that I create in the office on a daily basis ;p Nonetheless, it was fun. To my dear unit-mates, thank you for sparing me, on the sly, when I couldn't meet my KPI ;) Will work harder on it. Probably may try again for the October parties that we were planning last night ;p

Am glad to say that I get to take a 2 week break before starting work proper in my new place. 1 week will be spent overseas eating kimchi on a daily basis. The remaining week will be spent wrecking havoc on you guys' life hehz. Me having fun while you guys are working. I jest ;p

Just to digress a little. Just came up with a small project in mind ;p Yeah. I'm rather prone to doing small projects that pops up in my mind ;p I came across an interesting article about "Attraction" on the net. Yeah. Kestrel here likes reading about such stuff ;p

To summarise the article, it said that Attraction is not a choice.

For a relationship to work, there must be attraction on multiple levels: physical, emotional, and intellectual.

If you are attracted to someone’s mind, chances are you will make good friends.
If you are attracted to someone’s mind and heart (e.g., how they treat you and others), chances are you will make great friends.
But you cannot have a relationship unless there’s a strong element of physical passion.

Agree? Perhaps we could do a little poll here ;p It's been quite a while since I dabbled in polls on my blog :)

Thought I'll end off this posting with a picture of the latest gadget that I got :) Courtesy of the wonderful friends that I have made in my recently ended 2 year stint. Just spent the entire afternoon loading stuff into it. Am bringing it with me for the trip :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Foodie unconfidential!

One of those days when I'm back early from lunch again ;p

Thought I'll do a short update on my food trail. Half of my lunch accomplices went AWOL on Monday. By Tuesday, I'm the only one left of the lunch gang. Need to thank Namsteroy and gang for helping me continue with the food trail. Despite the rain on Monday and the hot sun on Tuesday i.e. today ;)

Had my long awaited duck rice at Circular Rd. Just had the Nasi Padang on banana leaf at Circular Rd today. Complete with the sumptious Tahu Telok yum yum :) Am satisfied.

Had another surprise too. Was in the mood to wear a new top today. Basically, was running out of ideas of what to wear to office. Was pleasantly surprised when 3 of my colleagues actually noticed my new top hehz. Ok. I know I'm vain ;p But still, you know, it feels good to be noticed LOL ;) Really makes my day :)

Have posted a picture of my new top ;p Hehz. In line with my "no show face" policy, you guys get to see just the top :) minus the face. Trust me. You ain't missing much ;p If you're observant enough, you might just spot that small abrasion that I got from Sunday's 10km run ;p

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Running in shape and yellow duckies

Completed my 10km shape run today :) am glad to say that I did a personal best! was quite a pleasant surprise cos I felt quite lousy and had a massive case of inconfidence before and during the run. Just didn't feel that strong doing the run....

Before I talk more about the run, just would like to thank a friend for making some references to my blog in his blog ;p Hehz. You know who you are. Not sure about you, but kestrel here always feels very touched and gets quite a kick out of getting all the comments and references to my blog in other blogs ;) Thanks for reading my blog!

Back to the run. Thought I'll share some really heartwarming scenes that I saw today :) The shape run is a women's only run. Men are not supposed to be taking part in the run. For my 10km run, there was this guy, who kept running along the pavements to alongside the run. He would sprint ahead. Stop. Take pictures of his wife/gf who's running. Sprint again ahead. Take further pictures again. So sweet ;) I'm definitely very impressed. ;p

Nearing the end of the run, I saw this guy, hand in hand with his wife/ gf, walking towards the finishing line. The lady looked rather tired but this guy kept cheering her on to complete the run. Hehz. Absolutely heartwarming :) Kudos to the guy :)

Went off for lunch at central mall. Was very lucky to get a table that has the perfect view of the Singapore river. Caught the ducky race - which unfortunately would be held for the last time. Some pics to share with all of you :) (at the top...hmmz. gotta figure out how to put pics at the end)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Very Important Lunches

I'm back by popular demand! ;p I jest ;p Received 2 feedback from my friends over lunch asking for updates to my blog (think they are just being kind;p) so impressionable me is back to blogging again. Just a short one though ;p Catch a few minutes after lunch ;) Must say that I've not eaten at this speed in a long time. Lunching with 7 guys is really quite a challenge!

As some of you may know, I'm moving from one phase of my life to another phase of my life soon (a bit of an exxageration..but somewhat true).

To mark the completion of my current posting, I have embarked on a culinary trail around my current workplace. Have pre-planned my lunch menu for 3 weeks. Gotten a bunch of 3 other "accomplices" ;p Just to ensure that I will get to finish eating all my favourite food around the area before I move off to my new/old place ;)

Monday marks the beginning of Kestrel's culinary trail :) We braved the heavy downpour to make our way to Chin Chin at Purvis st (hope I got it right) for hainanese porkchops ;) Yum yum. Picture attached ;)

Tuesday was lunch at Sushi Tei. A treat - courtesy of my lunch "accomplices" ;p So sweet of them :) Took a nice pic of them as well :)

The trail will continue come next Monday....probably around the Circular Road area. Readers, if you are interested to join, please let me know ;p

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Holding Hands

Hehz. Another of my misleading titles? Read on.

First thing first, would like to say my thanks to quintessence and stardust979 for the ever engaging exchange of comments to my posting on "Daisy" ;p Thanks a lot for "boosting the "readership of my blog"(quintessence exact words) hehz.

Would also like to welcome a new reader to my blog, codename warren foo ;p Thanks for the encouragement and compliments! Kestrel will endeavour to blog more!!

Got this very nice pic from The Ugly Betty Blog
was thinking it would be a good complement to today's blog :)

Got inspired this afternoon while on my way to buy lunch back to office. It was a rainy and gloomy day. So I guess it's not too difficult to imagine me, armed with a big umbrella, walking gingerly in my heels, avoiding puddles along the way.

Saw this middle-aged couple (probably in their 50s) in front of me. The husband was holding on to his wife's arm as she kept her wet umbrella, to prevent her from slipping while walking on the wet steps. After the couple had kept their umbrellas, they proceeded to hold hands on their way to the eatery. I was right behind them. Somehow or other, I found the back view of the couple holding hands, making their way to something as mundane as lunch oddly touching. Hard to explain. yeah. Kestrel is a romantic at heart. Coupled with the rainy weather outside. It just felt rather heartwarming. hehz.

In any case, I did a quick search on google on holding hands after lunch and found the following amazing facts that I thought I'll share with all of you. Reinforces my romantic notion that handholding is good hehz

Do you know.....
a) holding hands may help to reduce stress?

b) Hand-holding is the one aspect that’s not been affected by the sexual revolution,” found this lovely article from the NY Times. quite an interesting read

Last but not least, some trivia and techniques that came out from the google search, hehz. For your interested folks out there..
Top 10 ways to hold hands

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Slowest ever

Once again, it's rainy weather and I am back early in office from my lunch break. Thought I'll just update my blog..had some fun reading the different kinds of comments I've been having on my blog ;p

Just completed the AHM (Army Half Marathon) or now known as the Singapore Bay Run on sunday. (I was already thinking about blogging this halfway thru the run hehz)

*have added a picture of my finisher medals for the 3 AHMs that I've completed*

New route this year...same starting point, longer route in ECP and ending at the floating platform at Marina Bay. Unfortunately, it was my slowest ever half marathon. Am a full 10 mins slower than my timing for last year, which is absolutely demoralising. In my 3 years of running, this was the longest that I've ever taken for a half marathon. Am trying to attribute it to the congested running lanes in ECP (longer route there, means I get stuck at a slower pace for a longer stretch ;p), starting 5 mins from the start line and perhaps a wrong strategy of going too slow in the first 10km. Wanted to try a new approach this year i.e. to run at a slower pace for the first 10km..conserve energy..such that I will not slow down exponentially by too much towards the last 5 km....

Had a really leisurely and happy first 10km..was merrily past the 1 hr mark after 10 km...but the pace started to slow and get congested in the middle of ECP..that's when I really start to tire and feel frustrated...keeping pace with the people around me feels kinda slow..but to constantly overtake others saps up a lot of my I was really really tired by the time we turned out of ECP eventually. Muscles were horrible fatigued and close to cramping by the 15km mark....kept reminding myself that I shouldn't slow down to walk...tried to speed up to prevent the cramps from developing. Didn't want to stop. Sprinted at traffic junctions so that I will not have to stop at the red lights.....

Made beelines for the drinks station that serves isotonic drinks (cos salt is suppose to help prevent cramping)

Oh, I should really emphasise that getting drinks at runs like that requires some form of strategy and technique. Let me explain. The drinks stations tend to consist of several tables laid out with drinks. Most runners will tend to aim for the first table for the drinks. Hence, a lot of people will congregate at the first table. If you are running for timing, don't want to queue for the drinks or crash into people who grab their drinks and dash off from the drinks stations, always head for the middle or last few tables of the drinks station ;p Less of a hassle. Don't have to fight with people for drinks. At places like that, it's always every man and woman for him/herself. All the stuff about "ladies-first" are never observed. I've had to jostle with many guys for my drinks, or endure getting elbowed at drinks station at runs like that;p Last but not least, it's always rather hazardous at drinks station. One always run the risk of getting hit by cups thrown by other runners, tripped by cups/ bottles (if they serve the drinks in bottles) on the lanes closest to the drinks station. So gotta be real careful around there;p

Back to my run. Had to endure the last 6km..before getting fooled by the finishing line banner outside the stadium, only to realise that it's not the end, and we still had to turn into the stadium itself to reach the finishing line. Found the energy to sprint into the stadium eventually..just for some face-saving grace arghz. Was wearing a red running cap which really helped. My friends spotted me running in from the grandstand and were waving madly to me. So it was easy to meet up with them to just complain about my performance after the run hehz ;p

Next run coming up. Shape Run - For women's only. Gotta put in a better performance. Am looking forward to the goody bag ;p At least, I won't be getting magazines like Men's Health again ;p I hope they give me some spa vouchers :)

Friday, August 17, 2007


pictures downloaded from
hehz. thought I'll do a short blog in response to stardust979's comments.
Yes. the movie that I was talking about is Daisy - a korean movie.
Quite a beautiful but sad movie...the kind that leaves one with lingering afterthoughts...always the "whys" and the "what ifs" in life.....would have loved to discuss the movie in detail.......
I find the classical piano pieces that were used in the movie hauntingly familiar. Think I've played that particular song before...shall go digging through my piano scores to find out more.
Stardust, can you recognise which pieces those are? Sounds to me like they are from either the romantic or classical era...definitely not baroque...chopin or schubert?...I can't quite put my finger on it......and can't figure out from the korean website....

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Flowers and their meanings

It's one of those "off" days...packed lunched back to office to eat while surfing the usual blogs that I rather cheered by 2 friends' blog...

1) to know that one friend is making good progress in her running :); and

2) to read about the cute antics that my friend has been up to with her new baby. New mums are usually very trigger happy. Readers like myself never fail to be cheered by the pictures of the cherub's rosy pink smiling/ sleeping face or wrinkled crying face. It's such a joy to see pictures of babies who are always naturals in front of cameras, absolutely photogenic. No pretenses and poses.

Was watching a DVD on Friday night. About a killer, a detective and their common love interest, a painter. Movie was shot in Amsterdam and played around the central theme of "daisies" - which in the movie stands for "hidden love". Whenever there was a job for the killer, he would notified via a pot of black tulips that was left on his doorstep. A pretty moving love story..but really rather sad..

*pause* went to rescue 2 colleagues who were caught in the rain. Now back to continuing before I start work again.

Following the movie, thought I'll do a google on flowers and their meanings and share it with you folks.

Baby's Breath: Innocence Begonia: A fanciful nature
Carnation-red: Alas poor heart Carnation-pink: I'll never forget you

Chrysanthemum-yellow: Slighted love Daffodil: Regard, You are the only one
Daisy: Gentleness, Innocence, Loyalty and Romance
Forget Me Not: Faithful Love, Undying Hope, Memory, Do Not Forget
Lavender: Loyalty Lily-white: Sweetness
Lily of the Valley: Humility, Sweetness, Return of Happiness
Rose, Red: Love and Desire

Rose-single red: I Love You
Sunflowers: Pride

Tulip: Love and Passion Tulip-red: Declaration of love

On hindsight, I recall getting a sunflower bouquet from a friend when I had a really bad fall and was limping around in office. The sunflower definitely cheered me up. I guess we do need to have some pride to pick ourselves up after a bad fall.

Looking at the meaning of Lilies, I guess I can better appreciate the use of lilies in wedding bouquets. Some of my really sweet friends do love their lilies.

A purely platonic friend once bought me two of my favourite flowers for my birthday. On reading this, I guess we will both chuckle and be glad that he bought the pink version and not the red version.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Coming of Age

Happy National Day! :) (I bet there are many blogs which start with similar words today ;p)

Went for 2 old friends' house-warming (well, they married each other ;p) today. Basically, all of us drove our own vehicles and converged at their place. For the infrequent drivers like myself, we got lost along the way, but eventually found our way there ;p Similarly, when we left the place, well, 2 of us left together, and followed each other's car to find our way out of the suburban maze in the west back home to the north ;p

Just a sudden realisation while driving back. In the past, all of us would have arranged to meet at the MRT station and walked to our friends' place together. With the coming of age, most of us are lucky enough to acquire a set of wheels, or have the means to gain access to loan a set of wheels. We don't really have to car-pool that much these days. (Hmmz. Maybe there's scope to be more environmentally concious ;p) We trail each other along the same routes in separate vehicles instead of taking the same vehicle. What a stark contrast.

The things that come with the coming of age...

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Everything in Its Time

It's been a while since my last entry.

Hehz. been sorely tempted to leave single liners like "Kestrel is busy figuring out what shape her petronaus will take - maybe the shape of the gryphon ;p" *lousy joke huhz*

But then again, I decided it's probably not worth it to leave such lousy one liners. Ok. Maybe I was just too lazy and too caught up with reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in the nights. The crack at the gryphon was more because of the 10th anniversary at my old JC that I attended last sunday and also the gryphon theme that I got for my handphone yesterday. Courtesy of aadvark ;p

Attended Corrinne May's concert at UCC yesterday evening. I've been a fan of hers right from the very beginning. Quite proud of the fact. :) I can still remember first seeing her perform at Fort Canning. In the days before the release of her first album. Was very impressed by her voice, songs and the sight of her strumming her guitar on stage. V country and indie style. Simply loved it. Following that, I guess I was behaving v much like a teenaged fan. I actually turned up for her next performance at Borders. Apparently I was caught on camera and this clip played over and over again on Arts Central. Didn't even know about it till my colleagues told me ;p Since then, I've continued being a fan. Buying her CDs and attending both her concerts at UCC.

Back to talking about the concert. As always, Corrinne delivered a wonderful soulful performance. The combination of piano, keyboard, strings, guitars and drums coupled with her vocals packs a solid punch. Though I gotta say that I seem to have a preference for songs from her older albums instead of the new. Nonetheless, the songs never fail to tug at my heartstrings. Yeah, I spent the first half of the concert feeling rather emotional for some weird reasons. Maybe the music and the lyrics are just too good..

Thought I would share one of my favourite Corrinne May songs with you guys :) Rather like the lyrics...about how Everything has its own time...

Written by Corrinne May Ying Foo & Carole Bayer Sager
Copyright 2001 Corrmay Gourmet Music (ASCAP) / All About Me
Music adm. by Warner Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI)

Sometimes I wonder what lies ahead
How long till my hunger is fed
They say it's hard to make it in this part of town
So many people on this merry-go-round

Some folks try astrology
Some turn to crystal balls
To find an answer,
To get through it all
I just fall on my knees and I try to pray
In the silence I can hear Him say

The river runs and the river hides
Out to the ocean and under the sky
I promise you, the answer will come
Hold on to patience and watch for the sign
Everything in its time

I often feel like I'm two steps behind
Somebody must have moved that finish line
There are a thousand reasons
Why I should give up
But I'm stubborn in the things I believe

The river runs and the river hides
Out to the ocean and under the sky
I promise you, the answer will come
Hold on to patience and watch for the sign

'cause maybe there's another plan
One I still can't see
A little surprise, like your love in my life
Funny how time changes how we see

The river runs and the river hides
Out to the ocean and under the sky
I promise you, the answer will come
Hold on to patience and watch for the sign
Everything in its time
Everything in its time

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Google Analytics

Am having a very restful Saturday at home since Sunday will be a rather packed day..the rainy cool weather has been extremely conducive to a lazy day as well....

Still haven't gotten my hands on that last Harry Potter book yet.....been rather envious of my colleague who bought lunch back into office to finish reading the book on Friday, of my brother who stayed up on Friday night to finish the book before passing it to my sister this morning at the airport so that she can read it on her 18 hour direct flight......haiz Need to be rather careful these days. With the increasing number of people around me who has finished reading the book, my worst fear is to overhear details of the story being discussed by people around me who has read the book...oops.

Thought I would share something rather fun with all of you :) Especially for those of you out there who blog. ;p Google Analytics! I stumbled upon it while browsing through the possible add-ons to my blog one fine day. As the name suggests, google analytics helps to track the number of visits, visitor profiles etc to any website that is under one's charge ;) I've promptly added it to my blog.

Yes. Dear readers. Your every visit to this humble blog of mine is noted. Hehz. I now know the number of visitors I get, the length of time, the number of pages you guys read etc ;p Lest you start getting uncomfortable with being "spied on", fret not. :) Smart as the analytical software may be, it is not able to identify the readers at all. It is only able to tell if you are a repeat visitor or not, probably based on your IP address I guess ;p Nonetheless, I've been getting quite a kick from reading all the analytical reports generated :) And of cos, being very encouraged by the number of visits that I get :)

Needless to say, nosey me is now brimming with curiosity over the identity of my readers ;p To satisfy myself a little, I've added this little poll to the right hand side of my blog. Please do help me by taking part in the poll! Thank you! Gracias :)

Sunday, July 22, 2007


It's been exactly a week since my last posting...not that I have nothing to blog about. In fact, I constantly have ideas about what I could write about...even have a slew of ideas about how I would start off my blog etcetc... Alas, when it comes down to doing the deed, there's always this inertia in me...and as a result, nothing much gets produced. Hehz.

It's been a rather busy week for me. Lessons by day. Work by night. Equates to long days of 8.30am till 12 midnight daily. Almost a punishing routine. The only good thing was that I managed to catch up with many old friends during the week. Bought 2 pairs of shoes. Slipped in a 10km run and a 20laps swim :) So I guess you could say that the week was relatively eventful.

Just caught Harry Potter - Order of the Phoenix tonight. Enjoyed myself thoroughly. Though the movie did not capture the full essence of the book in its entirety, nonetheless, there was relative justice done in my opinion. Have always enjoyed the Harry Potter movies. Am very glad that they managed to retain the majority of the cast for the various movies. It's amazing to see how the characters have grown and matured from the little mites that they were in the Philosopher's stone, to the teenagers that they now are, exchanging kisses under the mistletoe ;p Just realised that there were no scenes of Quidditch in this movie. Curious me shall go check out the actual book to see if this part has been skipped ;p

The last book of the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has just been released today. Yipee! I've been walking past the Harry Potter display in the bookshop in the shopping complex next to my office building countless time. Can't wait to lay my hands on the new book. Shall wait for a while, when the hype is all over, to buy the book :) At a better price ;p (if I can resist the temptation till then). Pity's my b'day is still almost 3 months away. If not, I could have hinted blatently for the book as a b'day present :) Alright. Guess I'll probably console myself by re-reading the 2nd last book Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince in the meanwhile. I recall that I bought it to entertain myself for my official trip to Sydney last year. Was reading it till late into the cold winter night in Sydney last August ;p Need to refresh my memory and to prep myself for the last book. Gosh. I couldn't even remember the part about R.A.B. .untill it was mentioned in the ST spoiler for Saturday. ;p Just who in the world can R.A.B. be? Who's the traitor? Oh boy, the suspense is really killing me...please don't tell me the answer, just get me the book ;p LOL

Sunday, July 15, 2007

About Me

Something rather sad happened this week. Reminded me of some of the musical stuff that I was doing for close to 8 years, in the years before I started to do my pounding on the tarmac.

Was trying hard to explain to my colleagues the exact nature of the instrument that I played in the orchestra. Thought I'll blog a little about it, complete with illustrations. As the saying goes, a picture speaks a thousand words. There you have it, to your left. The instrument that I played - the Chinese mouth organ. Not very glam and rather unladylike I guess ;p

The one to the extreme left is the 中音笙 (zhong yin sheng). This is the instrument that I played in the orchestra. It's usually located right at the very back of the orchestra. This picture shows the side of the instrument that faces the audience. I would be seated right behind it. If you know me well enough, I guess it's not hard to imagine me behind the instrument. Yes. Once I have my music scores propped on the instrument, to be honest, you can hardly see me from the audience. But, I can be heard if you recognise the sound of the instrument well enough hehz. And yes. I don't deny that given my not too large and not too long frame, I do have to sit on double chairs to reach my instrument ;p And I'm very often reliant on the goodwill of my fellow orchestra mates to carry my instrument for me from one venue to another ;p To play this instrument, as the name describes it, I'll need to blow into a pipe and press the buttons on the panel of the instrument that relate to the relevant notes ;)

The other instrument to the right is also a sheng. It's the more traditional kind. It's also used when people perform solo. I mastered my basics on this version of the instrument. To me, I find it harder to play this instrument as it's not that light, and I'll really need to support the instrument with both hands, prop it up to blow it and at the same time figure out which notes to play. Over time, the weight of the instrument can get to me and when tired, it gets harder to blow. Not to mention when there are all the other techniques that we need to use to create different kind of effects and the complexity mounts when we tend to play chords as well ;p

'nuff said about my instrument ;p Come to think of it, it's probably been about 6 to 7 years since I last performed in the orchestra. Oh well, those were the days I guess. Making music in those days was fun and I'm sure it will always be fun if I get back to doing it. Many thanks to my family and friends who have turned up at the concerts to watch me perform over the years. Yeah. I guess it's tough being my friend, cos you'll be expected to turn up for my concerts ;p Especially miss the bouquet of flowers that my friends will generously shower on me at every public performance ;p