Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Going green

It's been a rather eventful weekend. I thought I'll make full use of it before I spend my next two weekends in midair and crossing time zones ;p

Was on Pulau Ubin on sunday and paid a visit to Chek Jawa :) Yes. The photos in the collage above are all my handywork ;p Especially like the refurbished old tudor house which has since been transformed into the new visitor center for Chek Jawa. I can still remember how dilapidated and run-down it was, 2 years (?) ago when I was at Chek Jawa on christmas eve. The visitor center is now bright and airy. It's a very comfortable feeling to just sit there, to enjoy the scenery and the gentle breeze :)

Perhaps because I have always liked old buildings :) I always marvel at the blend/ integration of old architecture and new architecture in many cities around the world. We could certainly do with more of such integration in Singapore :)

Have always had a particular affinity to Pulau Ubin. Like it for the peace and quiet it offers. The largely untouched features of nature. Not that I do not like the vibrancy of city life. But a brief sojourn to tranquil Pulau Ubin once in a while is always refreshing:)

I've brought/ guided quite a number of groups to Pulau Ubin before. So if you ever feel like a short outing to Ubin, dial 1800-kestrel ;p Hehz.


stardust979 said...

I will definitely dial yr number for a good time on Ubin. Dial 1800-PALEX for a good time on any island too.:-Pkidding. Have a good time overseas!;)

Sharon said...

All the best for your trip! Keep yourself warm and drink plenty of water to keep yourself (and your skin) hydrated!

See you when we're all back in Singapore!

Meanwhile, take care!
