To quote a phrase that was used by someone in my farewell card "Time flies too fast".
For those of you who are in constant contact with me, you may know that I've finished my 2 year stint at my current workplace. In the words of Princess M's mommy, kestrel will be going back to being the gatekeeper ;p The place where many people have said that they will fatten me up again, when they realised that I lost weight hehz.
Many thanks once again to my wonderful friends (yes. I've been told by Yogz that I should not be using cold words like "we worked together" ;p), who have continued to indulge me in my final food hunt in this final week :) *touched*
In a way, thank you for sending me off with a "big bang". Being observed and chased all across the ballroom of Novotel Clarke Quay for 6 times in a day, in front of a crowd of 300 people, including bosses, was definitely a rousing experience. I hope my CEP didn't drop though ;p Erm, if there ever were any pictures taken of the spectacle, do send them to me hehz ;p (For the uninitiated, CEP stands for Current Estimated Potential in civil service lingo. Yeah. it determines how far you will go in the public sector)
The subsequent hours spent at the pump room was swell too. I have this feeling that I must have been speaking in a louder volume and laughing even more loudly than the din that I create in the office on a daily basis ;p Nonetheless, it was fun. To my dear unit-mates, thank you for sparing me, on the sly, when I couldn't meet my KPI ;) Will work harder on it. Probably may try again for the October parties that we were planning last night ;p
Am glad to say that I get to take a 2 week break before starting work proper in my new place. 1 week will be spent overseas eating kimchi on a daily basis. The remaining week will be spent wrecking havoc on you guys' life hehz. Me having fun while you guys are working. I jest ;p
Just to digress a little. Just came up with a small project in mind ;p Yeah. I'm rather prone to doing small projects that pops up in my mind ;p I came across an interesting article about "Attraction" on the net. Yeah. Kestrel here likes reading about such stuff ;p
To summarise the article, it said that Attraction is not a choice.
For a relationship to work, there must be attraction on multiple levels: physical, emotional, and intellectual.
If you are attracted to someone’s mind, chances are you will make good friends.
If you are attracted to someone’s mind and heart (e.g., how they treat you and others), chances are you will make great friends.
But you cannot have a relationship unless there’s a strong element of physical passion.
Agree? Perhaps we could do a little poll here ;p It's been quite a while since I dabbled in polls on my blog :)
Thought I'll end off this posting with a picture of the latest gadget that I got :) Courtesy of the wonderful friends that I have made in my recently ended 2 year stint. Just spent the entire afternoon loading stuff into it. Am bringing it with me for the trip :)
All the best in your new or erm former workplace :)Am sure it will be another rewarding experience..kpi..cep?..*groan* woman, we need to unwind fr public sector lah..
Hihi! Long time no see... your blog. I've been busy too! Year-end exams coming up and my graduating classes all stressed out with their N and O-levels. Or rather, I seem to be more stressed about their national exams than they are.
Anyway, hope you having a great time in Korea. See you!
Yoh! back fr Korea?
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