To quote from one of my favourite songs..."somewhere inside me, there's a spark of inspiration"...
Feel like writing about weddings. Yes. Following the seventh lunar month, this is the period where weddings are in full swing again :)
Having been through i.e. helped out, at so many weddings by now and in a variety of capacities from jiemei, emcees to reception, I dare say that I more or less know quite a bit of how weddings are held. What goes into the preparations. What to look out for. What are the taboos. The possible sore points that might crop up etcetc ;p
Take for example, on the side of the bride. One of the most exciting part would be assembling the wedding entourage of sisters or "jie meis". Different brides have different "requirements". Some brides are strict. All jie meis have to be unmarried. All married friends will have to be part of the entourage waiting at the brides' home, but they can't follow the bride to the groom's place ;p Some brides are easy. Anyone can be a jie mei :)
Some brides want their jie meis to be in the same colour e.g. green, pink or white :) Some brides want their jie meis to turn up in multi-colours except white. Cos white is strictly for the bride ;p hehz ;p
For me, anything goes :) The bride is queen for the day ;p So I'll just take instructions and follow them to a T ;)
For the record, I've been a wedding emcee thrice, wedding receptionist twice and going to be a jiemei for a wedding the third time in a row ;) Despite the fact that this means that my wedding dinners are disrupted ;p I must say that these are all pleasant disruptions. I loved every one of those "helping out" experiences ;) Weddings are happy events. I'm glad and honoured to be able to chip in to "contribute" to the happy day :)
Sometimes, I really feel that, if I am not in my current career, I would love to be either a wedding planner, events organiser, travel planner, national park ranger or working in the hospitality industry e.g. hotels or airlines hehz ;p Hehz. For those of you who know me personally, I bet you can't tell that kestrel would have these secret aspirations, right? ;)
Anyway, I've also gotten round to collecting the wedding memorabilia that I've been getting at weddings. Posted a picture of some of the cuter stuff at the beginning of the posting ;)
1) at least you got non-edibles. I have edibles. No pics. all in my stomach. I still have Wanfen's cute glass tile!
2) I like the park ranger vocation.
3) I'm not a fussy bride BUT MY MOM IS so I think mom re-live their bridal disasters through their daughters! LOL LOL
Have you considered leaving your current work vocation and living your dream instead? Do something that you really really like, instead of slaving to pay the rent...
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