Saturday, October 13, 2007

Especially for you..

I would like to dedicate this particular blog posting especially to the 4 lovely people who had dinner and the yummy dessert (in picture above) with me on Friday :) Macha ice-cream, sweet potato and yam! For simplicity, shall simply term them as Ms CSFB, Ms Exxonmobil and Mr&Mrs PM ;p (if you folks prefer other nicks, please do let me know hehz)

Would also like to thank Ms Stardust and daniel for leaving such interesting comments on my blog ;) Hehz. As I've always said, it feels so good that my blog is read by u guys ;p

I thought I'll write a little about friendship today :)

I consider myself rather lucky in the area of friendship. I've had my fair share of hits and misses when it comes to friends. But generally, they are mostly hits. I've hardly had any misses. Perhaps one or two borderline miss cases which I'm still trying to figure out ;)

Glad to say that I've been able to "keep" most of my friends through these years. I really treasure their friendship very much! My "oldest" friends have been stuck with me for 20 years hehz ;p In proper facebook entourage lingo, my collection of friends have grown through the years :) Particularly in the last two years, I'm proud and thankful to say that there has been a sudden spurt in growth ;p You people out there who are reading this, I think you know that I'm talking about you ;p

My friends are a diverse bunch of people. Folks from different walks of life, very different interests, personalities, career paths. I'm fascinated and drawn by all these differences between us. Whilst, I do take comfort in the similarities that I share with some friends. In any case, no two individuals are exactly alike. I tend to see it as a form of chemistry or perhaps fate between two individuals, that transcends beyond character similarities or differences, that binds us together as friends :)


1 comment:

stardust979 said...

I'm starting to miss all of you when I read this already (T_T) *sniff*

I treasure my friends. And I'll reply to your blog entry in my blog.