Monday, October 8, 2007

The Oh So Familiar...

A very good friend, who went for jazz and martinis with me over the weekend, suggested that I update my blog on my first day of work. :) So here I am again.

First day of work. Had to wait for more than half a day, made a couple of calls to pester the IT folks, before I finally got my password to log into the system :( Teething pain. arghz. Made a couple of calls to "harass" my old friends while I was free as well ;p

That aside, looking at the oh so familiar portal, parts of which I helped to develop and do user acceptance testing about 3 years ago. To see the stuff that I lodged into the system 2 years pick up from where I left off. It's nostalgic but I do seek comfort in the stuff that I am so familiar with all over again. Yeah. I'm quite the sentimental person who seeks solace in memories. You'll be surprised at the number of smses, e-mails and other trivia that I've accumulated over the years ;p

Some of my friends suggested that I should have done my rounds and said Hi to all the people that I know from the 24th floor of the building down to the basement ;p They jest ;p

Despite the comfort, I think I'm raring to go :) The scoring board and the dartboard's up again after a 2 year break. Kestrel likes challenges and resolving complications ;p hehz. silly me does not always choose to take the easy way out of things. This has resulted in either much satisfaction or much pain ;p Yeah. sometimes. I learn things the hard way.

Ok. enough of all these emotional out-pouring. shall get back to blogging about the more normal trivia stuff soon ;)

2 good friends of mine have commented on my lastest profile picture in facebook. Gonna take their advice and change the picture now ;p

1 comment:

stardust979 said...

tat's me, tat's me *waves frantically*

ohh waht pic on facebook? The one with the cute little baby?

I think it's the same for me...going back to a familiar place yet different boss/colleagues...seeing where 3 years ago I left my stuff does not exist anymore but the markings do..gosh...

Enjoy the week ahead! Nice blog updates! :)